This part of the article deals with different options that are available on the website The vary first thing that you will see on the website is that there are four different tabs available that have headings such as learning to drive, about, driving school services and lessons pricing and packages. There are different packages available on the website that suit the needs of the learners. All these packages have different price ranges. There are also two different options available for taking a fixed number of lessons in advance. There is a different price or payment if the number of lessons are less and there is a different price or payment if the number of lessons are more than the previous one. It all depends on the learner that how much lessons he or she wants to take.
How many lessons should you buy? Well it actually depends on the learning capability of the learner. Some learners pick the lecture instantly whereas other take a lot of time in understanding the lectures and lessons. If more lectures and lessons are given to the learner then obviously it will end up way more expensive. If the student driver manages to stay at a very low number of lessons, he can save a lot of money obviously. Apart from this there is another option available such as pay as you learn. This option is for the benefit of the learner. In this mode, the learner pays as he or she learns. The normal price starts from 55 dollars. This mode is also helpful for those people who find difficulty in paying the whole fee at once. Then there is another mode which is also designed for the benefit of the learners. This mode is known as the automatic mode. This mode has price or payment that starts normally from sixty dollars. There are different modes such as thirty log book hours and fifteen log book hours.
Apart from these modes there is another option available on the website that pre tests potential students. This option or mode also includes hiring a car for for the test. The payment or price mentioned on the website for this mode is one hundred and forty dollars. All these payments and lessons are made or designed in accordance with the rules and regulations. They are designed to meet the needs of the learners at the lowest possible cost. If we compare these payment with other driving Lessons Brisbane then we will come to know that they are not that much high. They are designed by keeping in mind the on going competition in between various driving schools. One important thing to keep in mind is that all these prices or payments are not fixed. Sometimes they are changed without giving a notice to the learner but this thing does not happens with the driving lessons Brisbane. If the prices are subjected to be changed by the institution then they give a notice to the learners almost one month earlier. Though, this change happens seldom but still it is mentioned in the policies agreement that is to be signed by the learner prior to submitting the fee for a particular package or plan.
However, whenever there is a change in the school's policy it is told to the learners immediately. Therefore, this thing indicates the commitment and dedication of the institute members with their esteemed learners. This also points out the attention of the learner towards an important task that is signing the agreement between the school and the learner. There are different things mentioned in the agreement that is to be signed by the learner before making payments and before taking classes. This agreement is mostly concerned about the rules and regulations of the schools and an important thing indicated in it is that if any damage to the property of the school is done by the student then the student is accountable for it.